xiaolei wrote a new post, Buzzfeed got $50m in venture capital. What happens next?, on the site Media On Media a blog by SMS denizens chronicling items in the media about media 10 years, 6 months ago
“Buzzfeed is better placed than many of its media rivals to adapt, but there’s no monopoly on innovation or nimbleness. Andreessen Horowitz may have made an excellent bet but a bet is all that it remains.”
<a href="Buzzfeed%20is better placed than many of its media rivals to adapt, but there’s no monopoly on innovation or nimbleness. Andreessen Horowitz may have made an excellent bet but a bet is all that it remains." […]
xiaolei wrote a new post, Does the media have a “duty of care”?–David Puttnam, on the site Media On Media a blog by SMS denizens chronicling items in the media about media 10 years, 6 months ago
“In this thoughtful talk, David Puttnam asks a big question about the media: Does it have a moral imperative to create informed citizens, to support democracy? His solution for ensuring media responsibility is […]
xiaolei wrote a new post, View of #Ferguson Thrust Michael Brown Shooting to National Attention, on the site A blog of the media SMS denizens are consuming 10 years, 6 months ago
“In and of itself, Twitter is not sufficient to see clearly into a big story; it’s a series of straws that offer narrow views of a much bigger picture. But as a kind of constantly changing kaleidoscope, it […]
xiaolei wrote a new post, TINKERING IN THE 21ST CENTURY, on the site EXPERIENCE MEDIA, a publication of SMS 10 years, 6 months ago
xiaolei wrote a new post, UNDERSTANDING MEDIA STUDIES, on the site EXPERIENCE MEDIA, a publication of SMS 10 years, 6 months ago
xiaolei wrote a new post, CREDITS AND EDITORIAL COMMENTS, on the site EXPERIENCE MEDIA, a publication of SMS 10 years, 7 months ago
xiaolei wrote a new post, Why Social Media Helps Us Mourn, on the site A blog of the media SMS denizens are consuming 10 years, 7 months ago
” ‘One of the things we do when there is loss is we have funerals and we have wakes so people can get together and share that experience,’ Rutledge said. ‘Social media is giving us a way to share that experience […]
xiaolei wrote a new post, The Emoji Have Won the Battle of Words, on the site A blog of the media SMS denizens are consuming 10 years, 7 months ago
“In their short life, emoji managed to find an exceptional cultural range: One Internet wit put out an emoji translation of Beyoncé’s “Drunk in Love,” and an emoji-only version of “Moby Dick,” called “Emoji Dick,” […]
xiaolei wrote a new post, Histropedia – tool to visualise history unveiled at Wikimania, on the site A blog of the media SMS denizens are consuming 10 years, 7 months ago
“Histropedia, a new interactive tool to display historical events and described as “a combination of maps, timelines, and trends”, made its public debut at the Wikimania conference this weekend at the Barbican in […]
xiaolei wrote a new post, Eight Twitterbots worth following, on the site A blog of the media SMS denizens are consuming 10 years, 7 months ago
“According to its own figures, some 23m of Twitter’s users are actually bots, which tweet automatically without human input. Here are eight you should be following…”
<a href="http://www.theguardian.com/technology/shortcuts/2014/aug/12/eight-twitterbots-worth-following" […]
xiaolei wrote a new post, #IfTheyGunnedMeDown Hashtag, on the site A blog of the media SMS denizens are consuming 10 years, 7 months ago
“On Saturday, Missouri teen Michael Brown was reportedly shot dead by police. The death of the unarmed teen has sparkedoutrage in his local community that has spread across the country and on social media.”
<a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/08/11/michael-brown-twitter_n_5668437.html" […]
xiaolei wrote a new post, Difficult Men by Brett Martin, on the site A blog of the media SMS denizens are consuming 10 years, 7 months ago
DIFFICULT MEN: Behind the Scenes of a Creative Revolution: From “The Sopranos” and “The Wire” to “Mad Men” and “Breaking Bad.” By Brett Martin, 303 pp. The Penguin Press. $27.95.
“But “Difficult Men” is the […] -
xiaolei wrote a new post, Take A S(h)elfie , on the site A blog of the media SMS denizens are consuming 10 years, 7 months ago
take a s(h)elfie
is a project for people who really love books and who kinda like selfies
Send yours to:
email: missamykr@yahoo.com
twitter: @missamykr
instagram: @missamykrpretty please include:
what […] -
xiaolei wrote a new post, No Cameras Allowed by James Marcus Haney, on the site A blog of the media SMS denizens are consuming 10 years, 7 months ago
“It’s safety-net rebellion of the sort that MTV has packaged for decades now, so it’s no shock that the network is distributing the film. Still, Haney’s talent and charisma make him worth watching.”
<a href="http://www.villagevoice.com/2014-08-06/film/no-cameras-allowed/" […]
xiaolei wrote a new post, Mobile overtakes TV as most popular way to consume media, on the site EXPERIENCE MEDIA, a publication of SMS 10 years, 10 months ago
The Average UK adult will spend 3 hours 41 minutes each day consuming digital media via their mobile phone, tablet or PC.
People in Britain will spend more time consuming media on their desktops, laptops, […]
xiaolei wrote a new post, Take a S(h)elfie, on the site EXPERIENCE MEDIA, a publication of SMS 10 years, 10 months ago
Take a S(h)elfie is a project for people who really love books and who kinda like selfies
send yours:
email: missamykr@yahoo.com
twitter: @missamykr
instagram: @missamykrpretty please […]
xiaolei wrote a new post, Print Is Down, and Now Out, on the site EXPERIENCE MEDIA, a publication of SMS 10 years, 10 months ago
Media Companies Spin Off Newspapers, to Uncertain Futures
“So whose fault is it? No one’s. Nothing is wrong in a fundamental sense: A free-market economy is moving to reallocate capital to its more productive […] -
xiaolei wrote a new post, Buzzfeed got $50m in venture capital. What happens next?, on the site EXPERIENCE MEDIA, a publication of SMS 10 years, 10 months ago
“Buzzfeed is better placed than many of its media rivals to adapt, but there’s no monopoly on innovation or nimbleness. Andreessen Horowitz may have made an excellent bet but a bet is all that it remains.”
<a style="font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit; color: #444444;" href="http://smscommons.newschool.edu/mediaweareconsuming/2014/08/12/buzzfeed-got-50m-in-venture-capital-what-happens-next/Buzzfeed%20is%20better%20placed%20than%20many%20of%20its%20media%20rivals%20to%20adapt,%20but%20there%E2%80%99s%20no%20monopoly%20on%20innovation%20or%20nimbleness.%20Andreessen%20Horowitz%20may%20have%20made%20an%20excellent%20bet%20but%20a%20bet%20is%20all%20that%20it%20remains." […] -
xiaolei wrote a new post, The Emoji Have Won the Battle of Words, on the site EXPERIENCE MEDIA, a publication of SMS 10 years, 10 months ago
“In their short life, emoji managed to find an exceptional cultural range: One Internet wit put out an emoji translation of Beyoncé’s “Drunk in Love,” and an emoji-only version of “Moby Dick,” called “Emoji Dick,” […]