Engage Media Lab: A hub for participatory media learning and civic engagement

The Engage Media Lab (EML) was established in the School of Media Studies (SMS) to foster civic engagement through media that empowers the voices of youth, citizens and marginalized communities. It seeks to support creative media narratives that inspire critical inquiry into the socio-political issues of the city and cultivates critical media practitioners around the globe.

EML is designed to engage students, faculty and our partners as critical media educators/practitioners, youth to gain tools for creative media expression, and communities to engage in media advocacy through hands-on programs and collaborative projects. EML builds on the legacy of innovative work emerging from The Video Lab project that preceded it.

While the initiative is firmly anchored and nurtured within the School of Media Studies, it aspires to become a more inclusive hub at The New School and in New York City for design, research and civic action through participatory media innovations to foster socially engaged media practices globally.

EML seeks to promote:

  • Engagement: The lab is committed to civic engagement through media that empowers the voices of youth, citizens and marginalized communities.
  • Media Making: The lab facilitates creative production of new media that is inclusive, participatory and transformative for those who create it and those who engage with it.
  • Learning: The lab aims to develop new forms of critical pedagogy, including novel curricula and modes of peer-oriented assessment for media-based learning and narrative expression.
  • Laboratory: The lab aspires to serves as a hub at the New School and in New York City for design, research and civic action through participatory media innovations among faculty, students, and practitioners both locally and globally.


Engage Media Lab

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Engage Media Lab 40.735406, -73.994725

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