Category AIDS Quilt Touch Digital Experience

PIRT at SIGGRAPH 2015 – Official Press Release

The Public Interactives Research Team (PIRT) from The New School will present the AIDS Quilt Touch Project at SIGGRAPH 2015 whose graphic theme is the interplay between two ideas: Quilts and Xroads of Discovery. PIRT will showcase a suite of… Continue Reading →

AIDS Memorial Quilt Digital Experiences Project

The AIDS Memorial Quilt is a unique work of international ARTS ACTIVISM that reflects the worldwide scope and personal impact of the AIDS pandemic. The textile Quilt is composed of 48,000 individual PANELS that commemorate more than 93,000 NAMES. The size of the physical Quilt measures more… Continue Reading →

PiRT to participate at SIGGRAPH 2015

The Public Interactives Research Team recently learned that we were selected to participate in SIGGRAPH 2015 – The 42nd International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques. We’re very excited and honored for the opportunity to present the AIDS Quilt… Continue Reading →

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