xiaolei wrote a new post, America’s changing media habits in one chart–Nielsen, on the site A blog of the media SMS denizens are consuming 10 years ago
Americans 18 years and older are watching nearly 20 minutes less of live television per day than they were only two years ago.
xiaolei wrote a new post, The Future of NYT–Seen by a group of NYU students, on the site Media On Media a blog by SMS denizens chronicling items in the media about media 10 years ago
Twelve NYU undergrads in Professor Jay Rosen’s spring 2015 class, “The Future of the New York Times,” have been looking deeply into efforts at the Times to find a secure and sustainable future in a radically […]
xiaolei wrote a new post, Infographic: a Look at Kids’ Media Consumption, on the site A blog of the media SMS denizens are consuming 10 years ago
Exclusive data from Nielsen shows how kids’ viewership habits develop and shift from age 2 through high school years.
“Traditional TV remains the favored choice for kids of all ages to connect with content, but […]
xiaolei wrote a new post, The House That Jon Stewart Built–The Atlantic, on the site A blog of the media SMS denizens are consuming 10 years, 1 month ago
“For most of his 15-year tenure helming The Daily Show, Jon Stewart had a rogues’ gallery worthy of the name: A buffoonish, chuckling George W. Bush, a sinister Dick Cheney whose hunting mishap Stewart never […]
xiaolei wrote a new post, Decline of Network News Edition–Paul Waldman, on the site Media On Media a blog by SMS denizens chronicling items in the media about media 10 years, 1 month ago
“The biggest reason for the decline was the advent and spread of cable television. When there were only three channels, everybody watched the news because there was nothing else on. That included people who cared […]
xiaolei wrote a new post, How Brian Williams’s Iraq Story Changed–NYT, on the site A blog of the media SMS denizens are consuming 10 years, 1 month ago
A compilation of Brian Williams’s television appearances that shows how his accounts of a 2003 episode on military helicopters in Iraq gradually became more perilous, from New York Times.
<a title="http://www.nytimes.com/video/business/media/100000003496099/how-brian-williamss-iraq-story-changed.html" href="http://www.nytimes.com/video/business/media/100000003496099/how-brian-williamss-iraq-story-changed.html" […]
xiaolei wrote a new post, Holy Shit, I Interviewed the President, on the site Media On Media a blog by SMS denizens chronicling items in the media about media 10 years, 1 month ago
“I think sub-consciously they understand the really terrifying thing here. Glozell and Bethany and I weren’t put in a chair next to President Obama because we have cultivated an audience. We were put there because […]
xiaolei wrote a new post, Oscars 2015 nominations: the best bits—Telegraph, on the site A blog of the media SMS denizens are consuming 10 years, 1 month ago
A fascinating roundup about the best bits happened on the Oscar nomination day by Telegraph, from the committee, news media, and the public reactions.
What’s the your best […]
xiaolei wrote a new post, Why the Oscars’ Omission of ‘Selma’ Matters–NYT, on the site Media On Media a blog by SMS denizens chronicling items in the media about media 10 years, 1 month ago
“While the snubs may sting and point toward a broader blindness, it’s still more important in the long run that a young female black director received the backing of a Hollywood studio and made an important film. […]
xiaolei wrote a new post, How Tech Has Shaped Film Making: The Film vs. Digital Debate Is Put to Rest–Wired, on the site Media On Media a blog by SMS denizens chronicling items in the media about media 10 years, 2 months ago
The long-held debate between the film and digital. It is no doubt that digital is the future, but will there still be room for the film?
xiaolei wrote a new post, An Animator Is Making Rotoscope GIFs of Famous Cinematic Moments, on the site A blog of the media SMS denizens are consuming 10 years, 2 months ago
Check out the rotoscoped GIFs of popular movie and TV scenes created by animator Alex Belancourt, documented on his new Tumblr, Cinimated.
xiaolei wrote a new post, Virtual Reality Comes to the Web—Maybe for Real This Time–Scientific America, on the site Media On Media a blog by SMS denizens chronicling items in the media about media 10 years, 2 months ago
Are you looking forward to an immerse 3D experience via VR-enabled browsers and gear?
xiaolei wrote a new post, Plague, the ‘Tinder for information’–The Next Web, on the site Media On Media a blog by SMS denizens chronicling items in the media about media 10 years, 2 months ago
“Plague is all about spreading information virally. You prepare a post – some text, an image, a video or a link – and then publish it. It’s immediately sent to a number of other users (the precise number depends […]
xiaolei wrote a new post, BuzzFeed: What It Was Like Watching Television In 2004 Vs. 2014, on the site Media On Media a blog by SMS denizens chronicling items in the media about media 10 years, 2 months ago
“A lot can change in a decade, but it doesn’t always.”
Which year wins? 2004 or 2014?
xiaolei wrote a new post, Media Shift Special Series: 2014 Year in Review, on the site Media On Media a blog by SMS denizens chronicling items in the media about media 10 years, 3 months ago
“It has been a year filled with more tectonic shifts for the media landscape, from the changing face of media ownership to the mounting dangers for journalists at home and abroad, from battles in the e-book […]
xiaolei wrote a new post, Media in spotlight during Ferguson announcement, on the site Media On Media a blog by SMS denizens chronicling items in the media about media 10 years, 3 months ago
” ‘The most significant challenge encountered in this investigation has been the 24-hour news cycle and its insatiable appetite for something, for anything to talk about,’ McCulloch said. ‘Following closely behind […]
xiaolei wrote a new post, INFOGRAPHIC: This is more or less how every kind of TV show plays out–Fast Company, on the site Media On Media a blog by SMS denizens chronicling items in the media about media 10 years, 3 months ago
Check out this chart that unveils the formula behind every kind of TV program and presents the landscape of the current TV industry:
<a title="http://www.fastcocreate.com/3039019/infographic-this-is-more-or-less-how-every-kind-of-tv-show-plays-out?utm_source=facebook" href="http://www.fastcocreate.com/3039019/infographic-this-is-more-or-less-how-every-kind-of-tv-show-plays-out?utm_source=facebook" […]
xiaolei wrote a new post, Can Reddit Grow Up?, on the site Media On Media a blog by SMS denizens chronicling items in the media about media 10 years, 6 months ago
“For Reddit, the effort to make money is part of other changes happening at the company. It has slowly started to introduce new features, like “trending sub-Reddits,” to make the site easier to navigate. It also […]
xiaolei wrote a new post, Print Is Down, and Now Out, on the site Media On Media a blog by SMS denizens chronicling items in the media about media 10 years, 6 months ago
Media Companies Spin Off Newspapers, to Uncertain Futures
“So whose fault is it? No one’s. Nothing is wrong in a fundamental sense: A free-market economy is moving to reallocate capital to its more productive […]
xiaolei wrote a new post, Facebook’s Change of Face, on the site Media On Media a blog by SMS denizens chronicling items in the media about media 10 years, 6 months ago
“If somehow Facebook becomes a spot for civil discussion of emotionally complex events, you have to imagine that’s a good thing for Facebook, a company that profits from the time its users spend on the platform.
<p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="387" […] - Load More